Please select the course you wish to enroll in below AND pay special attention to the type of registration category (undergraduate, graduate, noncredit workshop, CEU).
Please refer to the KFS website ( under the 'Courses' tab for course descriptions and tentative schedules for each of this year's course offerings.
Please refer to the KFS website under the 'Registration' tab for a full breakdown of course costs. CEU and Noncredit workshop registrations require a $250 non-refundable deposit with all course fees required to be paid by May 31, 2024. Deposits will be reimbursed in-full if the class is cancelled.
Graduate and undergraduate registrations require a $250 KFS course fee. All other tuition and fees for these registrations will be paid directly to WKU through WKU TopNet. Please refer to the website under the 'Registration' tab for further instructions.
Non-WKU students wishing to take a course for academic credit (graduate or undergraduate) should refer to the website under the 'Registration' tab for information on how to become a non-degree seeking student at WKU. This process should be completed ASAP and is required before you can be fully enrolled in a course for academic credit.
After registering, please complete and submit the required course forms which can be found on the Karst Field Studies website under the "Required Forms" tab.